Paying for School
Don’t let paying for college be stressful! Use the resources below to understand the direct and indirect costs of attending college and cover them.
Where to find scholarships
institutional scholarships
Outside scholarship resources
Financial Aid
You can reduce the stress of preparing for college by taking care of your financial aid on time. Learn more about the different types of funding available, applying for financial assistance, and the cost of attending NC State by clicking the links below.
- Estimated cost of attendance
- Types of financial aid
- Eligibility for financial aid
- Applying for financial aid
- Receiving your financial aid
- Verification
- Planning for tuition costs
- Net Price Calculator
Have more questions about the aid process or scholarships? The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) is here to help.
Working your way through school
Undergraduate students can work part-time at the university and obtain valuable work experience through the Federal Work-Study program. If you have any questions about your work-study financial aid or eligibility, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your financial aid advisor.
Another option is non-work-study employment through the Career Development Center. They also offer free career counseling, resume and cover letter tips, interview preparation, and the Wolfpack Clothing Closet. Visit the ePack portal to search for jobs, make an appointment with a career counselor, or schedule an interview with an on-campus employer.